
I just found Sony Ericsson Application Shop

Sony Ericsson Application Shop http://applicationshop.sonyericsson.com/ I just discovered an official Sony Ericsson software download site called Sony Ericsson Application Shop. The Sony Ericsson Application Shop seems to have more software than the main Sony Ericsson site. I do have to criticise Sony Ericsson for the terrible organisation of their information. It is very difficult to discover what software is available for any particular mobile phone and more importantly to find out what specific functionality is actually available. Today I received an email newsletter from Sony Ericsson which amongst other things announces a new product called RDM+: Remote Desktop for Mobiles. This is certainly a product that I would be interested in. It mystifies me why Sony Ericsson Application Shop is not referenced from the main Sony Ericsson website http://www,sonyericsson.com/. Perhaps it is and I just haven't found it before. Unfortunately Sony Ericsson Application Shop does not recognise my login from the main Sony Ericsson so I had to create yet another user account and password. Another problem was that initially I was able to view lots of lovely software but all of a sudden the list of available software just disappeared. The site seemed to suddenly object to my chosen phone or my currency or location. I could have given up there and then but I exited Internet Explorer completely and reloaded and suddenly the list of available software was visible again. It certainly is a full time job keeping up with my Sony Ericsson Smart-phone...

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